
Monday, October 4, 2010

Engagement photos in the Marshlands of Fremont, California

Scott Robert Lim yelled at me (figuratively). He yelled at the whole SR gang. I was too safe in my photography. I stuck to my comfort zone. Thank you Scott for the lesson. It shows you care.

That was a wake up call to step up to the game to be a master photographer by focusing on the basics. I believe I was able to capture the wonderful images like the ones below because of it. Thanks also to Junshien and Sarah Dawson for key pointers while on the field, and of course the un-ending hard work of Zabrina and Jeremy from JEZA to make sure things happen.

Vanessa and Anish are engaged, and Phoebe and Chris are engaged to be engaged. Many thanks to you guys for the images you helped create below.

Phoebe and Chris









Vanessa and Anish




Strobist info: Phoebe and Chris - direct sun

Strobist info: Vanessa and Anish - Images 1 and 3 with video light; Image 2, indirect setting sun

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Couple Anniversary shoot in Felton, Santa Cruz County

Gina and Latoka who live in Santa Cruz setup an engagement-like shoot with me in Felton. They were celebrating their 1.5 year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend of being together. Gina owns an online store called Circle of Love Vintage where she sells vintage clothing. She said that the white dress (that is in the photos below) is from her grandma when she had it in the 1920's. Lakota is a computer science major in UC Santa Cruz and wants to focus on building games when he graduates.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Maternity photographer in Mountain View - Maddy and Gabriel

Maddy initially contacted me to do a solo maternity shoot. I told her to bring her husband if he were available -- making a baby makes 2 people after all! So when I met them both, Gabriel looked very familiar. Apparently he worked at a previous company I used to work at -- he would hang out at the kitchen and play Foosball from time to time. Pregnancy is once of those sacred things, and the photographer trust level went up with that past connection.